2024 年最新 Just My Socks 退款教程,Just My Socks 如何退款?

  • 2024 年最新 Just My Socks 退款教程,Just My Socks 如何退款?已关闭评论
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Just My Socks 支持退款,在满足 Just My Socks 退款条件的情况下,你可以申请 Just My Socks 退款,购买服务时花的钱会全部退回支付宝。

Just My Socks 退款条件

Just My Socks 的退款条件在官方 TOS 里都有说明,具体条件如下:

  1. Customer’s account is in good standing and there have been no violations of entire Terms of Services
  2. None of the payments have been previously or currently disputed or charged back
  3. Monthly data transfer quota has not been exceeded
  4. The number of services (active or cancelled) under the account is 3 or fewer
  5. The sum of all payments made towards the account is $60 or less and the total number of payments is 10 or fewer
  6. The account was created 7 or fewer days ago
  7. Client had not used the right to Refund under a different account


  1. 客户的帐户信誉良好,并且没有任何违反服务条款的行为
  2. 目前没有任何付款有争议或退款
  3. 购买的服务未超过每月流量限制
  4. 帐户下的服务(活动或取消)数量为3或更少
  5. 对该帐户的所有付款总额为60美元或更少,付款总数为10或更少
  6. 帐户是在7天或更短时间之内创建的
  7. 客户未使用其他账户退款的权利(同一个用户注册多个账号只有一次退款权力)

所以,你需要之前没有申请过退款,并且账户是在 7 天内创建的。

Just My Socks 退款步骤

首先登陆 Just My Socks 官网,点击Services -> My Services,选择你需要退款的服务:

2024 年最新 Just My Socks 退款教程,Just My Socks 如何退款?

在详情页的左下角,有一个"Request full refund for this service"按钮,这个就是 Just My Socks 退款的申请按钮:

2024 年最新 Just My Socks 退款教程,Just My Socks 如何退款?

最后,就只需要静静等待 Just My Socks 退款就行了,之后会全额退款到你的付款支付宝里了。
